Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Fourth National Congress of Clinical Psychology will be held in Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia, (25 Nezabravka Str.) from 28th  November till 01st of December 2024.


    1. Organizer of the Congress:


    Organizing committee: Scientific committee:
    Full Prof. Vanya Matanova, PhD, DSc Neli Zapryanova Full Prof. Vanya Matanova, PhD, DSc Full Prof. Rumyana Krumova-Pesheva, PhD, DSc
    Assoc. Prof. Zlatomira Kostova, PhD Angela Ivanova Assoc. Prof. Pavlina Petkova, PhD Nikolay Bonev, PhD
    Michaela Kontou Ventsislav Angelov Prof. Orlin Todorov, PhD Martin Kolev, PhD
    Velislava Truhcheva   Prof. Drozdstoy Stoyanov, PhD, DSc Marie-Luise Althoff, PhD
        Ivo Natsov, MD Skirma Povilenaite, MD
        Prof. Georg Northoff, MD, PhD Assoc. Prof. Marcin Moskalewicz , PhD
        Prof. Hristo Hinkov, MD, PhD Assoc. Prof. Zlatomira Kostova, PhD
        Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Kolev, MD Valentina Gerginova, MD
        Prof. Maxim V. Kireev, DSc Prof. Domenico De Berardis, MD, PhD



    2. Important dates for the Congress:

    • Deadline for submitting abstracts - by September 10, 2024 at e-mail: ;
    • Confirmation from the Organizing and Scientific committees - by September 20, 2024;
    • Early registration of delegates at the Congress – by July 15, 2024;
    • Late registration of delegates at the Congress – from July 16 till September 30, 2024;
    • Registration of delegates on site – from October 01, 2024;
    • Opening of the Congress November 28, 2024 – Europe Conference Hall, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia;
    • Welcome DrinkNovember 28, 2024 – lobby, Europe Conference Hall, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia;
    • Closing ceremonyNovember 30, 2024 – Europe Conference Hall, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia;


    3. Main topic of the Congress:

    Dialogues of Care - Multidisciplinary Approaches to Mental Health

    4. Official language of the Congress:

    Bulgarian and English language.
    During the event there won't be simultaneous translation.

    5. Participation with report or short scientific message:

    • Deadline for submitting abstracts – by 10 September, 2024 at e-mail: ;
    • Confirmation from the Organizing committee - by September 20, 2024;

    Note: Reports included in the Science Program of the Congress will be presented within 20 minutes, short scientific messages will be within 10 minutes.

    6. Reservation requests can be made via email:

    Please, enter your information (telephone and / or e-email) as well as the necessary data (business or personal) for issuing an invoice.
    All participants of the Congress are desirable to declare and pay their participation preferentially at the preferential prices of the organizing company.
    The registration of the participants on site in Park Hotel Moskva will begin at 14:00 on November 28, 2024 at the Registration Desk of WASTEELS.

    The organizing company is committed to providing full assistance to participants during the Congress:

    • Registration of the participants;
    • Accommodation;
    • Providing materials for the Congress;
    • General information and coordination.

    7. Payment conditions:

    Bank account for money transfers in euro:
    WASTEELS-Bulgaria EOOD
    UBB bank
    IBAN: BG03UBBS81551437752800 BIC: UBBSBGSF

    8. Payment and cancellation:

    All booking requests are valid for 5 business days during which the actual payment should be made. Failure to comply with this condition will void the reservation without notice from the organizer.
    Upon request for cancellations of hotel accommodation and / or registration fee up to October 01, 2024 inclusive, the full amount of the payment will be refunded. With partial or complete cancellations from October 02, 2024, amounts are not refunded.

    Bank transfer tax of 10.00 EUR will apply for non-EU countries for all payments, higher than 100 EUR. For  payments less than 100 EUR bank transfer tax will not be applied. All bank charges for the bank transfer should be on behalf of the sender. 


    You are welcome to participate in Fourth National Congress in Clinical Psychology !

    November 28-TH 2024 (Thursday)

    14:00 – 19:00 Check- in and participants registration
    15:30 – 16:00 Official Opening
    16:00 – 19:30 First Scientific Session / Work shop
    19:30 – 21:00 Welcome drink

    November 29-TH 2024 (Friday)

    Conference Hall “Europe”
    09:00 – 10:30 Second Scientific Session
    10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
    11:00 – 12:30 Third Scientific Session
    12:30 – 13:30 Dry pack lunch
    13:30 – 15:30 Forth Scientific session
    15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
    16:00 – 18:00 Fifth Scientific session

    November 30-TH 2024 (Saturday)

    Conference Hall “Europe”
    09:00 – 10:30 Sixth Scientific Session
    10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
    11:00 – 12:30 Seventh Scientific Session
    12:30 – 13:30 Dry pack lunch
    13:30 – 15:30 Eighth Scientific Session
    15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
    16:00 – 18:00 Ninth Scientific Session. Official Closing.
    20:00 – 24:00 Gala dinner

    December 01-ST 2024 (Sunday)

    08:00 – 12:00 Check-out. Departure from hotel.

    Third National Congress in Clinical Psychology - October 15-18, 2020

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    Second National Congress in Clinical Psychology - October 06-09, 2016

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